Saturday, August 13, 2005

Making Some Real Change

OK...I'm going to give you a link to a GREAT story, but you have to promise that if you are close enough to a Real Change vendor, you will GO OUT AND BUY A COPY OF THE LATEST ISSUE!

It's only a buck.

Seattle Weekly readers named Real Change the Best Grass Roots Media Outlet in the recent "Best of Seattle" survey and there's MORE great news about the paper.

  • First, its circulation has grown from a couple of hundred issues sold each month to 11,000 per month. Please note: 65 cents of each sale goes into the pockets of its sellers, who are homeless.

  • There has been a marked improvement in the quality and diversity of its content now that they have been able to hire a couple of part-time staff members.

  • They recently held a fund drive that netted them $60,000 from readers.

Do you see why I like Seattle?

So, back to my point. The most recent issue of Real Change features an enlightening interview by Alexandra Pelosi (daughter of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi -- D-CA) who has written (what appears to be) a great book on the buffoons in the media AND in politics and how the whole election process becomes twisted. The interview is blunt, interesting, and made me curious enough to buy her book.

I hope this blog entry makes you curious enough to buy this month's Real Change. And give your seller a little something extra for a cup of coffee.

Check Pelosi's book out at
Sneaking into the Flying Circus: How the Media Turn Our Presidential Campaigns into Freak Shows (Free Press, May 2005)


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