Thursday, September 01, 2005

Is Nature the Real Problem Here?

It is a tragedy to see what is happening in New Orleans and impossible to imagine the ultimate toll taken by nature's force. But maybe it wasn't all nature's fault.

I urge you to check a couple of websites. First, the city's daily newspaper, the New Orleans Times-Picayune staff had to evacuate their building to run for their lives, but they bravely continue blogging the news. Many New Orleans residents are adding their personal stories to the blog as well. It is truly compelling reading by a staff and a city under tremendous pressure.

And... I hope you will read a thoughtful article about how the Bush administration cut funding for levee construction in New Orleans in order to pay for the War in Iraq and tax cuts, mostly for the wealthy.

The Toronto Star is pointing the finger at the media for inuring us to storm threats by making every possibility sound like certain death.

And, finally, if you haven't made a contribution to the American Red Cross yet, do it now.


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